How to Change Moto E Ringtone
When we buy a new Motorola Moto E, it comes with default ringtone. But we might need to customise the ringtone as per our taste because many reasons such as to have unique tone or set our favorite MP3 as ringtone on Moto G. There ways you actually customise the ringtone. One is through File manager method and another one is through PC. In this Moto E tips guide we will see on how to set custom MP3 as ringtone on Moto E.
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Once you have installed the file manager,
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How to Set Custom MP3 Ringtone on Moto E
Method 1: As you might have come across, Moto E out of the box does not come with file manager. So we need to install good file manager first. There are many free file managers are available. I personally use ES File Explorer App. This is free app and you can download it from the Play store.Once you have installed the file manager,
- Go to Settings->Sound. Tap on to phone ringtone.
- You will get a pop up with the header "Complete Action Using".
- Select the file manager you have installed. In our case, ES File Explorer and tap on to "Just Once".
- The file manager shows the folders of your Moto E.
- Navigate to the folder where you have saved the ringtone.
- Select the MP3 which you want choose as ringtone and tap on to it.
Done. You have set MP3 custom ringtone on your Moto E.
Method 2:
In this method, you need to install any other app. Just connect your device to PC. Go to My computer and explore the your device. Find the folder with name ringtone. Paste the desired ringtone in that folder. Now
- Go to Settings->Sound. Tap on to phone ringtone. Now your favorite ringtone will be shown along with default ringtone. Chose that.
Done. Hope this Moto E trick helps you to customise the ringtone. If you are facing any difficulties, leave a message in comment section below.
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